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Questions & Answers

What should I wear?


You can wear any legging, joggers and a t-shirt/top. Make sure to have a cardigan during the colder months. I suggest you get yourself a good pair of exercise shoes. And don't forget a bottle of water.



What do I do if I'm sick?


You need to inform me at least 24h in advance if you are sick and unable to attend. However, I understand that we sometimes can get unwell overnight, in which case please let me know asap.


Please read the T&C for more info. 

What if I can't do the exercises?


Dont worry, there will always be an easier option on most of the exercises. You do what you can, I'm here to motivate you and will not force you to do anything you don't want too. And with time and as you get stronger, you will see that you will be able to do everything.

Will I be in pain?


Yes, you will most likely feel some muscle soreness afterwards (24-72h after a workout). This is called DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness - and this is normal. It is caused during the lengthening (eccentric) phase of the exercise. You might feel a bit of discomfort in your muscles but it is normal. 

What happens if we go into another Lockdown?​


During these difficult times, all memeberships/sessions will be frozen if we would go into another lockdown until further notice from the government and local council.


Is it COVID safe?


Yes, all equipment is cleaned thoroughly before and after each session/use. Hand sanitisers are avaiable an 2m distance is kept at all times.


Contact Me

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Contact details

Ghazal Sabet

Certified L2 & L3 Personal Trainer


Phone: +44 (0) 7826 089 861

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